09h45: Searching the Treasure of the Squirrel
12h00: Picnic (to be brought along)
13h00: Relaxation in the play ground
The Treasure of the Squirrel
For children, age nursery school to primary school, 2nd grade.
In the company of a character of the 18th century, the children will set out on a quest for the Treasure, via a series of games that will enable them to discover and recognize colours, shapes and elements of the animal life and flora, present in the Gardens.
At each stop, they will be given a clue, bringing them closer to the formidable Treasure of the Squirrel (there is a treasure for every child).
Animation is organized from Easter Monday until All Saints’ Day and is adapted to the different grades of primary and nursery schools.

09h45: The mystery of the Black Swan
12h00: Picnic (to be brought along)
13h00: Relaxation in the play ground
The mystery of the Black Swan
For children, age primary school, 3rd to 6th grade
Looking for clues, the children are sent out in little groups on missions, focused on observation games and the appropriation of space. Whilst discovering the wealth of the Gardens, they will touch notions of perspective, of symmetry, of flora and fauna.
By gathering all these clues, they might unlock the mystery of the Black Swan… And be rewarded (there is a present for every child)
Animation is organized from Easter Monday until All Saints’ Day and is adapted to the different grades of primary and nursery schools.
Our opening and our prices
Season 2024 : From April to early November 2024 from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm
Schools: (children, age nursery school to primary school, 6th grade)
15,00 € / child, including activities all morning, a treasure for each child, the picnic room, free admission to the playground.
Minimum 20 children
1 free accompanying person per 10 paying children.